ACE of Aircraft


Hardware requirements :

For the Access and Bronze licenses, a modern office computer running under Windows 10, Windows 11 or Ubuntu 20.04 are sufficient. You will need 4 GB of free disk space to install the software.


For the Gold and Platinum licenses (including Navier-Stokes modelling), we recommend:


  • 8 to 24 processing cores per computer, clocked at more than 2.2 GHz. Given that your CPU will determine the processing speed for your computations.
  • 32 to 128 GB of RAM per computer. Given that the available RAM directly influences the ability to model geometrical details of small scale.
  • At least 1 TB of disk space to store the data generated during use. 8 GB of free disk space to install the software and its accessories.
  • GTX 1650 or higher.